Distribution of the leftover Stupid Mortys NFT
under review
Many Old and weak Oh-Geez... didn't claim their Stupid Mortys NFT. With the new implementation of the role, only owner of this NFT will be flagged as Oh-Geez. All the non-claimed/minted Stupid Mortys NFT could be distributed to the non-Oh Geez members of the community.
To do so I propose to:
1/ Take a snapshot of the Thanos/LevX holders
2/ Take a snapshot of the Sharkpunks NFT holders
3/ Take a snapshot of the Zero holders
4/ Exclude all the old and weak Oh-Geez who didn't claim (They had few months to do it, they didn't --> They loose their rolls) + Exclude the Legit Oh-Geez
5/ Using a ponderation (TBD) compute a factor based on the 3 snapshots and rank all the members by decreasing holder factor.
6/ Distribute to Top X, X being the number of Stupid Mortys NFT available
7/ Short time to claim, let's say 1 week. If not claim then X+1 holder can claim.
Another option could have been by getting the most active users in the Discard/Twitter but imo the method describe above will most likely active members of the community as they have been all kindly rewarded by LevX since the beginning of the year with many distribution of LevX or Sharkpunks NFT. So if they do not have paper hands they should be include in the snapshots.
under review
I don't give a fuck ser
Just get me one🚶🚶
In that sort of spirit could also include SUSHIB, Maidverse and Plumbus for bonus points. Maybe even Munchkin list. I definitely support giving a chance to newer members too.
It would also be good to hold some in treasury for later use as already mentioned. Some might go unclaimed as per usual but having some in reserve is always nice.
Haidro: I agree, to be full exposed to levx previous rides, all should be considered and weighed.
- No. Levx + duration
- No. Sharkpunks + duration
- No. Sushib + duration
- No. Munchkin + duration
- No. Zero + duration
- exclude all the "old and weak Oh-Geez"
- consideration for active discord (lv discord) /twitter users (No. Tweets about levx ecosystem)
But we also need to vote whether to give more opportunity to new OGs, since it should only be one time, and not opening for more. (Thanos holders should have the right to vote on this if to be considered - as they are the true followers of $LevX)
Leave some in treasury for future marketing purposes maybe?
Cookien1te: OG roles for now on should be "eArNeD nOt GiVeN" imo. Levx already gave away 80% of the entire project so far and for the most part all that has done was for broke bois to paper hand everything.
loki89.eth: Good point. How to incentivize diamond hands hmm
Sounds good to me ser. Lowkey idgaf as long as I can FINALLY become and get the OG role. 🤣🤣🤣
I think it's a good proposal. Curious what weighting factor you think would be good to use for the snapshot. I feel 1/2 to thanos and 1/4 to each sharkpunks and zero makes sense.
Cookies: agreed ser
this seems pretty fair & rewards some of the newer people who have been participating with an opportunity to become oh-geez